🥉 Games for Good Game Jam at IADE

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to take part in the "Games for Good" Game Jam at IADE in Portugal. The aim of the jam was to create games with social or educational impact, based on themes suggested by non-profit organizations. I learned a lot about game design and development in practice, was great to rustproofing some skills.
Our team placed third in the Game Jam! It was an amazing feeling to see our hard work pay off, and I couldn't have done it without my fantastic teammates. Our team included Paulo Serbake as the musician and SFX artist, João Bravo a developer, Carlos Borges as the musician and soundtrack creator and me as a bug creator.

The "Games for Good" Game Jam was inspiring to see so many creative people come together to use gaming for social impact. Our project, along with all the other fantastic projects created during the Game Jam, is available on the game jam itch.
I'm looking forward to getting back in participating in more events like this in the future. The project is available on game jam page on itch.io.