Ezequiel Santos
iOS Developer & Creative Technologist

CIAP 2 🩺

🚀 About: This app is for the Brazilian version of CIAP2 (ICAP2), used in primary care by family doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, assistants, and others.

💻 Development: CIAP or (ICAP) is a code used in primary care by family doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, assistants, and others. On the development side, I used Swift, with a hybrid approach on the UI with View Code and Storyboards, a simple MVVM, CollectionViews, CloudKit for favorites sync, and Cocoapods to manage dependencies. On Android, I used Kotlin, MVP, Fragments, and RecycleViews. The app has authorization from the Grupo de Trabalho de Prontuário e Classificação of SBMFC, for tables available on the offical book.
